Participatory Law Scholarship: Reimagining Legal Academia

Mar. 26, 2024
12:10PM - 1:30PM
SLB Room 127
Open to the Yale Community

The LPE Project and the YLS LPE Student Group are incredibly excited to invite you to a panel discussion on Participatory Law Scholarship with Kempis “Ghani” Songster, Terrell “Rell” Carter, and Rachel Lopez. Ghani, Rell, and Rachel have authored the groundbreaking articles "Redeeming Justice" and "Regarding the Other Death Penalty," among other work. Most recently, Rachel authored an article on Participatory Law Scholarship forthcoming in the Columbia Law Review. Professor Monica Bell will join our panelists for a conversation about these articles on death by incarceration, Participatory Law Scholarship, and connecting the legal academy to social movements.

Emerging from the Critical Race Studies and movement lawyering traditions, Participatory Law Scholarship seeks to produce legal scholarship through collaboration with authors without formal legal training but with extensive expertise in the law through lived experiences.

Sponsoring Organization(s)

YLS Law and Political Economy Student Group 

LPE Project