
CDO Programs

Career Development Office Public Interest Programs for 2017-2018


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: 2L & 3L Employment-Speakers: Zachary Mason and Hai Binh Nguyen, CFPB


Applying for the Immigrant Justice Corps Fellowship-Speaker: Judge Robert A. Katzmann ‘80, US Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit and Jojo Annobil, Immigrant Justice Corps Fellowship

Coffee Chat with Judge Katzmann-Speaker: Judge Robert A. Katzmann ‘80, US Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit

Coffee Chat with John Bellinger on Careers in National Security (Cosponsored with National Security Group)-Speaker: John Bellinger III, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer

Lunch Talk with Bridget Asay '95, former Solicitor General of Vermont-Speaker: Bridget Asay ’95, former Solicitor General of Vermont

1L Introduction to Public Interest Careers–Speaker: Norma D’Apolito, CDO

Q&A about Working for DOJ with Sushma Soni ’90-Speaker: Sushma Soni ’90, Department of Justice

The 2L Summer Public Interest Job Search-Speaker: Hope Metcalf, Schell Center and Norma D’Apolito, CDO

22nd Annual Public Interest Career Fair

A Discussion of Yale Fellowships and the Common Application-Speakers: Hope Metcalf, Schell Center; Anna VanCleave, Mindy Roseman, YLS; and Norma D’Apolito, CDO

Justice Catalyst Fellowship Information Session-Speakers: Benjamin Elga and Jacob Lipton, Justice Catalyst Fellowship


National Security Summer Internship Panel (Cosponsored with National Security Group)-Speakers: YLS student panel

1L Summer Jobs in Health Law (Cosponsored with Yale Health Law and Policy Society & the Solomon Center)-Speakers: YLS Student Panel

Financing Your Public Interest Summer Job (Cosponsored with Financial Aid)–Speakers: Jacqueline Outlaw, Kellie Webb, Hope Metcalf, YLS

Environmental Careers: The Summer Job Search (Cosponsored with Yale Environmental Law Association)-Speaker: YLS Student Panel

Coffee Chat with New Haven Corporation Counsel-Speaker: John Rose ’66, Corporation Counsel for the City of New Haven

1L Summer Jobs in State and Local Government (Cosponsored with Yale Law Urbanists and The San Francisco Affirmative Litigation Project)-Speakers: YLS student panel

Lunchtime Talk with Josh Geltzer, YLS ‘11-Speaker: Josh Geltzer ’11, Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection

Interviewing Tips for 1Ls–Speaker: Kelly Voight, CDO

January 2018

Working for Public Service and Social Justice through Labor Law Practice-Speaker: Kristin Martin ’99, McCracken, Stemerman & Holsberry, LLP

Local Pioneers: Worker Protection in the New Economy (Cosponsored with Yale Law Urbanists)-Speakers: Liz Vladeck, NYC’s Department of Consumer Affairs


Preserving Livable Neighborhoods: Blight Remediation-Speaker: Laura Settlemyer

Gruber Fellows Coffee Chat (Cosponsored with the Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women’s Rights)-Speakers: Panel of Gruber Fellows


Drafting Legislation for Congress with Ed Grossman ’75 (Cosponsored with Cosponsored by Solomon Center for Health Law & Policy)-Speaker: Ed Grossman ’75, former deputy and senior legislative counsel in the U.S. House of Representatives

Applying for Skadden Fellowships-Speaker: Susan Butler Plum, Skadden Fellowship


Yale Fellowships and Finding a Public Interest Job-Speakers: Anna VanCleave, Mindy Roseman, YLS and Norma D’Apolito, CDO

Alumni Career Panel on Health Law (Cosponsored with the Solomon Center for Health Law & Policy, the Yale Health Law & Policy Society)-Speakers: Carmela Castellano-Garcia ’91, California Primary Care Association; Brian Hufford ’85, Zuckerman Spaeder LLP; Julian Polaris ’15; Clerk on the US Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit; Sally Strauss ’86, Mount Sinai Health System

Applying for an Equal Justice Works Fellowship-Speaker: Claire Cusella, EJW

Public Interest Paths: The Non-Fellowship Route (Cosponsored with the Clinical Student Board)-Speakers: Rebecca Chan ‘18, Noah Kolbi-Molinas ‘18, Carolyn Lipp ‘18, Jeremy Aron-Dine ‘18

Public Interest Mentors in Residence for 2017-2018

The Mentor in Residence Program provides students with the ability to obtain individual advice from the numerous alumni who visit the law school throughout the year. Students can inquire about the mentor’s current and prior employment experiences and seek advice about their own career plans. 


Justice Joel Bolger, Alaska Supreme Court


Jamil Jivani ’13, Author “Why Young Men”, Professor – Osgoode Hall Law School and YLS
John Bellinger, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer
Maile Tavepholjalern ’11, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Sushma Soni ’90, Department of Justice
Benjamin Elga and Jacob Lipton, Justice Catalyst Fellowship


Betty Hung ’97, Asian Americans Advancing Justice
Joshua Geltzer ’11, Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection


Louise Melling ’87, ACLU
Jeh Johnson, Former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security


Tamar Lerer ’13, New Jersey Office of the Public Defender
Eileen Hershenov ’89, Wikimedia Foundation
Susan Butler Plum, Skadden Fellowship


Veronica Yepez, ’08, Specialist – Compliance and Anti-Corruption Law