YLSA of Washington, DC -- Art Exhibit with Ellen Harvey '93

The Yale Law School Association of Washington, DC cordially invites alumni and their guests to a discussion and tour led by Ellen Harvey '93, creator of  the new art exhibit: "The Alien's Guide to the Ruins of Washington, DC."

THE EXHIBIT: Experience the world of the distant future: humankind has gone extinct, leaving behind only the ruins of the cities it once inhabited. When alien explorers discover these remains, they are intrigued by what they find. Ellen Harvey’s newest project combines multiple art mediums to present a view of our world through new eyes.

DATE: Wednesday, September 25, 2013

TIME: 6:00 pm tour led by Ellen Harvey, the artist
7:00 pm discussion with Ellen Harvey

LOCATION: Corcoran Gallery of Art
500 Seventeenth Street NW
Washington, DC 20006

PRICE: $5 admission per person; tour and discussion are free
Wine will be available for purchase

REGISTER: Pay at the door, but pre-register by emailing your name and class year, as well as any guests' names and class years (if applicable) to rsvpalumni.law@yale.edu.

MORE INFO: If you have any questions or special needs, please contact the YLS Office of Alumni Affairs by calling (203) 432-1690 or sending an email to alumni.law@yale.edu.